Future Events

Family Code Night

In Spring 2022, CS4DLH will work with Duluth elementary schools to offer Family Code Nights where students, parents, and families can try CS activities without any prior experience. Family Code Night is a program of CS is Elementary, which is focused on universal K-5 computer science education and family engagement.  All services are provided to any school for free. Check out the National Family Code Nights Celebration video here (1 minute). 

CS Career Night

To engage middle and high school families, CS4DLH is exploring hosting CS-focused career fairs with local businesses and organizations. CS is everywhere, including in many areas of the local economy such as the health care system, higher education, retail, and transportation. A career night will provide students and parents the opportunity to talk to local professionals about how they use computing, understand career pathways, and engage in some hands-on activities. 

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